LLVM and Linux have fairly different merging behaviour. LLVM uses an SVN-style commit behaviour where things are pretty much committed directly to the master branch after going through code review. This is probably because the official LLVM repository is still hosted on SVN. In contrast, the Linux repository uses merge commits quite heavily, matching the organizational structure of Linux. Linus is the only author with commit access to the master branch of the kernel repository. All commits are merged into the master branch through Linus. Linus usually merges commits coming from others who are managing certain parts of the kernel, like Andrew Morton who focuses on the patches related to the memory manager and David Miller, who usually handled the networking subsystem. Under the merge from David Miller are usually other merges, for example a wireless merge, which tends to be made by John Linville. Then under that merge is usually a merge containing the patches to mac80211, bluetooth, and the other wireless networking technologies. The merge structure starts to form tree-like structures, which progressively filter out unrelated commits. I describe these trees in more detail in my masters thesis.

My aim in this is to look at the effect of the different merging strategies on the commits in the repositories, looking at the number of files modified per commit, and the number of lines changed. My guess is that commits in LLVM will make changes to more files, and that more lines will be edited per commit. This comes from the notion that each commit is pushed directly into the master branch, and therefore should probably be a complete, functioning patch. Conversely, commits made to side-branches of the kernel do not need to leave the kernel in an operating state, so long as the kernel is functioning by the time the changes in commit are integrated. This makes it possible to make small, incremental changes, leading up to something that works.

I have two main questions that I would like to try and answer here

  1. How does merge strategy effect the number of files touched per commit?
  2. How does merge strategy effect the line churn per commit?

It is important to note that these numbers do not necessarily reflect how the engineers on these projects actually work, only the artifact that is left behind after they’ve cleaned up their workspace and pushed it out.

Archaeology is the search for fact, not truth. – Indiana Jones

So, lets get digging. This data was collected on October 7, 2018, from the Linux and LLVM repositories. The HEAD of the Linux repository was commit 7876320f88802b22d4e2daf7eb027dd14175a0f8, and the HEAD of the LLVM repository was a2434c2657e24263fab58e864aea7fb0049daefd at the time of collection.

The database generated from the data initially contained a single table containing information at a commit level. I had to add a new table including the list of files that had been touched by the commit, including the number of lines added and removed in that specific file.

The commits table schema:

cid CHARACTER (40) Commit hash
created_at DATE When the commit was created
files_touched INTEGER Number of files modified
lines_added INTEGER Number of lines added
lines_removed INTEGER Number of lines removed

The files table schema:

cid CHARACTER (40) Commit hash
filename TEXT Name of the file
added INTEGER Number of lines added to the file in this commit
removed INTEGER Number of lines removed from the file in this commit
PRIMARY KEY (cid, filename)  

The files table is used to investigate the effect of the test-suite on the number of files touched per commit, and the number of lines added and removed per commit.

The commits in these tables do not include merge commits. I’m only interested in counting the changes that happen in the non-merge commits.


It’s a good idea to get an idea of what we’re working with. How many commits are in each repository, and how many files do they each contain?

attach 'llvm.db' as llvm;
attach 'linux.db' as linux;

SELECT 'linux' project, count(*) commits
FROM linux.commits
SELECT 'llvm' project, count(*) commits
FROM llvm.commits
ORDER BY  count(*) DESC;
project commits
linux 724890
llvm 170283

Linux contains around 7 times more commits than LLVM.

The first commit to the Linux git repository contains all of the changes that had been made to the kernel up to that point. Linus didn’t include the history prior to that point because, according to the commit log message, it came out to around 3.2 Gb. This results in one large commit being made on April 16, 2005. The first commit to LLVM was made on the evening of June 6, 2001. Now, a clever eye might pick up on an issue here. Git wasn’t written until 2005, and I’m pretty sure Chris Lattner doesn’t own a time machine. The LLVM git repository actually just imported all of the commits from the SVN repository. The git repository is just a mirror, LLVM is still primarily hosted on SVN, so it makes sense that the SVN history was kept.

The first log message actually comes from when LLVM moved from cvs to svn.

commit 8d0afd3d32d1d67f9aa5df250a1d6955aa8f1ac9
Author: CVS to SVN Conversion <nobody@llvm.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 6 20:29:01 2001 +0000

    New repository initialized by cvs2svn.

    git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@1 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8

Next, how many files are in the repositories?

Well, to keep things short, we can just query it with wc to get something close.

$ find linux/ -type f | wc -l
$ find llvm/ -type f | wc -l

We could track the commits through time, given that we do have the file information, but it doesn’t actually contribute anything extra, so I’m just going to leave it there.

So Linux has roughly twice the number of files. Just for fun, lets count the total number of lines in both projects.

$ find linux/ -type f | xargs cat | wc -l
$ find llvm/ -type f | xargs cat | wc -l

I can’t say that I wasn’t expecting huge numbers. Nearly 42 million in Linux versus nearly 9 million lines in LLVM.

And to wrap things up here, lets look at how many people are involved in these projects. This is a pretty rough estimate of the number. I’m just using the author names from the commits. I’m using %aN instead of %an which will respect the mail mapping if one exists and use the email addresses to map back to a consistent name. Linux has a mailmap file, LLVM does not.

$ git -C linux/ log --format='%aN' | sort | uniq | wc -l
$ git -C llvm/ log --format='%aN' | sort | uniq | wc -l

Linux has a lot more contributors. Given this, I’m actually pretty surprised that the number of lines in these projects is so similar. On average, each author to Linux will have written around 2200 lines, whereas that number is closer to 9000 lines contributed per author. That’s pretty neat. This actually poses some new questions about contributor retention or loyalty, but that’s a story for another time.

LLVM and Linux have different testing patterns. LLVM is tested very heavily, with nearly every change being accompanied with a change to a test. This will impact the number of files changed and the number of lines modified in a given commit. I’m not as familiar with the testing patterns of Linux.

Proportion of Test Files to Source Files Over Time

Here we see a comparison of the two projects, showing the proportion of test to source files being changed on average in a given commit over time. In 2005, Linux started with roughly 9 out of 10 files changed per commit. In 2006, that number drops toward 8 of 10 files being source files, and 2 being tests. Now, roughly 1/3 of the files in a commit are changes to the tests, and the remaining 2/3 of the files in the commit are to the source.

LLVM has a similar, but more extreme behaviour. In 2001, around 93% of the files changed per commit were source files, with about 7% being to the tests. Now, commits consist of slightly more test files than source files, with 50.04% of the files per commit being test, and 49.96% being changes to test files. In 2017, source files still contributed more to the number of files touched per commit than the tests, with 49.5% going to tests, and the 50.5% going to source.

This is just including the number of files being modified. It gives no notion of how big the changes were in the two types of files.

Proportion of Test Line Churn to Source Line Churn Over Time

This plot looks at the proportion of where line churn is happening in commits through the years. The behaviour is very similar to the file touches. In 2005, Linux has a little over 13% of the line churn per commit going to tests, while the remaining 87% goes to the functional source. Looking forward to 2018, the split is roughly 1/3 test churn and 2/3 source churn.

LLVM is again far more extreme. In 2001, 2.3% of the line churn went to test files, wile the other 98% went to the source. Looking forward to 2018, 59.7% of the line churn is made to the test suite, while the remaining 40.3% is to source. 2012 was the last year where the churn in the source contributed more to patches than the churn in the tests. There was a big jump between 2005 and 2006, from 84% of the churn contributing to the source files to 59% contributing to the source.

I just filter out any file where the world test appears somewhere in the file path. This also include other derivatives like unittest.


Okay, now that we know a little about the repositories, lets actually start digging into the two main questions:

  1. How does merge strategy effect the number of files touched per commit?
  2. How does merge strategy effect the line churn per commit?

Files Touched

Naively digging straight in, lets just plot it.

colorSchemeFill = c("#6ca1f7", "#f74747")
colorSchemeBorder= c("#3364b2", "#b23333")
linux_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./linux.db')
llvm_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./llvm.db')

query <- "
FROM commits
WHERE files_touched <> 0;
linux_data <- dbGetQuery(linux_con, query);
llvm_data <- dbGetQuery(llvm_con, query)
boxplot(linux_data$files_touched, llvm_data$files_touched,
        names=list('Linux', 'LLVM'),
        main="Distribution of Files Touched Per Commit",

File Distribution

.load './libs/libsqlitefunctions.so'
attach 'llvm.db' as llvm;
attach 'linux.db' as linux;

SELECT 'Linux' project,
			 max(files_touched) max,
			 median(files_touched) median,
			 round(avg(files_touched), 3) avg,
			 min(files_touched) min
FROM linux.commits
SELECT 'LLVM' project,
			 max(files_touched) max,
			 median(files_touched) median,
			 round(avg(files_touched), 3) avg,
			 min(files_touched) min
FROM llvm.commits;
project count(*) max median avg min
LLVM 170283 3931 1 3.377 0
Linux 724890 17291 1 2.401 0

So in both cases, the median number of files touched per commit is 1. In third quartile, commits touch 2 files in Linux and 3 files in LLVM. Then in the fourth quartile, commits touch up to 3 files in Linux and up to 6 files in LLVM. Well, case closed, we can all go home now.

Just kidding.

Lets look at the data from a few other angles and see what falls out.

Distribution of Files Touched Per Commit Over Time

This plot shows the distribution of the number of files touched per commit over time. Linux is very steady, with the median being 1, and the top of the third quartile being 2 files touched. LLVM is quite consistent from 2001 until 2011, with the same metrics. In 2013, the median jumps up to 2, and the third quartile includes up to 3 files. The median remains 2 until 2018. The third quartile actually reaches up to 4 files in 2015, 2017, and 2018.

attach './linux.db' AS linux;
attach './llvm.db' AS llvm;

SELECT linux.files_touched 'Files Touched',
       linux.cnt 'Linux Count',
       llvm.cnt 'LLVM Count'
       SELECT files_touched,
              count(*) cnt
       FROM llvm.commits
       GROUP BY files_touched
       ORDER BY files_touched,
       LIMIT 10) llvm
       SELECT files_touched,
              count(*) cnt
       FROM linux.commits
       GROUP BY files_touched
       ORDER BY files_touched,
       LIMIT 10) linux
ON llvm.files_touched = linux.files_touched;
Files Touched Linux Count LLVM Count
0 39 212
1 463629 87211
2 104924 36193
3 58589 14616
4 32650 8623
5 18923 5275
6 11515 3723
7 7548 2595
8 5196 1822
9 3595 1477

This table shows how many commits (Linux Count and LLVM Count) touch a varying number of files. There are 39 commits in Linux that touch no files, and 212 commits from LLVM. A lot of commits touch only a single file in both repositories, and then it declines back down fairly quickly.

Distribution of how many commits touch a varying number of files

It appears that there is a fairly small difference between the two distributions. Both distributions have very few 0-file commits, many 1-file commits, and then gradually reducing again. Linux has a higher proportion of the commits touching a single file than LLVM, but LLMV has a higher proportion of the commits touching two files.

I’m definitely interested in what is going on in the 0-file commits in both repositories. These commits don’t make up a noticeable part of the commits, but there may be something of interest here. 0-file, or empty commits are sometimes used for triggering CI systems, but I somehow don’t believe that they would be integrated into the kernel. At the very least, Linus would probably ask that they be removed since they just clutter the repository history.

The other question I have is about what is going on in the commits that touch the most files. There are certain commits that, by design, will touch a huge number of files. These might include formatting changes or something of that nature. I’ll try to see why the commit is touching so many files, if there is a root cause.

Switching back, we know that the two projects have different testing habits. I’m more interested in seeing the effects of merging on source than on testing, and I’m pretty certain that with more than 50% of the files touched going toward testing, it will have an impact on the results. Lets take a look at the distributions with the test files removed.


linux_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./linux.db')
llvm_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./llvm.db')

colorSchemeFill = c("#6ca1f7", "#f74747")
colorSchemeBorder= c("#3364b2", "#b23333")

query <- "
SELECT cid, count(*) files_touched
FROM files
WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%'

linux_data <- dbGetQuery(linux_con, query)
llvm_data <- dbGetQuery(llvm_con, query)



boxplot(linux_data$files_touched, llvm_data$files_touched,
        names=list('Linux', 'LLVM'),
        main="Distribution of Non-test Files Touched Per Commit",

Distribution of non-test files touched per commit

When we remove the tests, the distributions of the two repositories look the same. It appears that the test suite in LLVM is what is causing the difference in the number of files touched per commit that we were seeing before.


The first thing that stands out to me is that in both cases is that there are commits that reportedly don’t touch any files. Given how Linus likes to keep his repository clean, I kind of doubt that he would go around allowing empty commits. Empty commits are sometimes useful for triggering CI tasks or git hooks, but to my knowledge, the kernel project doesn’t have a CI system. So the question is, what is going on with these commits?

Commit Hash Created On Notes Module
c813d8e048740c 2015-08-20 Appears normal drm/nouveau/bin
7aa86e5155a3c6 2014-04-08 Appears normal MIPS
2c5f5c9a1d1b35 2014-03-19 Appears normal selinux
be0306bcc3a0b0 2013-07-23 Merge  
db27ac80792d31 2012-07-04 Appears normal arm/dts
f52c44cd27b4a0 2012-06-10 Merge  
8865abd090f106 2012-04-09 Merge  
2eb6038c51034b 2012-02-09 Merge  
a5e5c37434eb18 2011-11-22 Appears normal sctp
94b12d4481b3f3 2011-08-08 Merge  
f55cf3c76a3b2e 2011-06-09 Merge  
7ee4b98eca42c1 2011-03-17 Appears normal of/flattree
efb3bb4fad062f 2011-03-30 Merge  
c206e514771778 2011-02-24 Appears normal omap2+
3939b20f907676 2009-11-12 Appears normal RDMA/cxgb3
050cc1f568e896 2009-03-31 Appears normal i.MX31
4c6ed8f496fe89 2009-03-13 Merge  
d7f735d0bc68c4 2008-12-17 Appears normal Btrfs
43dd729b862f4a 2008-11-20 Appears normal Btrfs
d844222a54c33a 2008-11-11 Merge  
15c220d003f791 2008-10-11 Appears normal Memory Management
4621d588e0e8b5 2008-07-03 Appears normal ARM/OMAP
3f662c6eaa9414 2008-07-03 Appears normal ARM OMAP DMA
249d621a85668b 2008-02-09 Merge  
b39f4ce974114c 2007-12-26 Appears normal Blackfin arch
e31b6656a81d63 2007-10-16 Appears normal ALSA
3de3f774f98490 2007-09-11 Btrfs Tag v0.8  
6d626f65041e3f 2007-08-10 Btrfs Tag v0.7  
37fa704640059d 2007-08-07 Btrfs Tag v0.6  
f2fdf02406de92 2007-06-28 Btrfs Tag v0.5  
4b2220da64727a 2007-06-22 Btrfs Tag v0.4  
63c992fd0b7339 2007-06-18 Btrfs Tag v0.3  
b79ab950f57c32 2007-06-13 Btrfs Tag v0.2  
67264484fac91d 2006-02-07 Appears normal V4L/DVB (3325)
69d37960b578be 2005-09-30 Appears normal IXP2000
9ba91bd365a7f1 2005-06-21 Appears normal XFS
eaffe886b5b345 2005-06-21 Appears normal XFS
2b7f4bd02699da 2005-06-21 Appears normal XFS
ce1dc02f76432a 2005-04-17 File modes  

I looked into each of the commits to see if there were any discernible patterns in the 0-file commits. The first one happens fairly early on in the history of the repository. It’s a commit made by Linus that, according to the commit log message, fixes some file modes due to the ‘git world order’. I’m not sure what this means, and the current version of git doesn’t show any changes as a result of this commit. 10 of the 39 0-file commits are actually merges that have only a single parent, which is why they aren’t removed by --no-merges. These merges are spread from 2008 to 2013. 7 of the 0-file commits are tags for Btrfs versions. The spanned from July to September of 2007. These commits are made in fairly quick succession, usually with only a few days between them.

There are many commits with the message indicating that a change was made, but for some reason, there is no patch associated with it in the repository. In one case, commit 7aa86e5155a3c6, there was a link to a Patchwork page that did have an associated patch. While the commit in git reported that it touched no files, Patchwork reported that the commit touched two files. I don’t know where the associated patches for these commits went, but they appear to be errors.

Quickly looking into the larger commits, they seem to be caused by large cross-project changes. The largest commit is the initial commit, importing the entire kernel development into Git in a single commit.

The next largest commit is created by Greg H-K, going through and systematically going through and adding the GPL 2 license to files that were missing it, or where the license was incorrectly formatted. This is part of a multi-month project to ensure that the kernel is licensed consistently.

The third largest commit make a bunch of changes to the headers, fixing two headers in particular, the linux/slab.h and linux/gfp.h. These are both related to the memory management.

Nothing stood out in particular about these commits.


Lets take a quick look at the 0-file commits in LLVM as well, just to check that they are consistent with what is happening in Linux.

SELECT commits.cid, commits.created_at
FROM commits
WHERE commits.files_touched = 0
ORDER BY commits.created_at DESC
cid created_at Notes
a02557d1b8ea2732d1d8f1b9a706b17b90a3819c 2018-08-03 15:09:56+00:00 Fix Line ending
0ad50ac3b85deeb12b2836cd638dcee785b88707 2018-07-15 23:52:15+00:00 prune empty directory
e7de33fcf27abac4da5f553336bd120c06d640eb 2018-06-28 17:52:06+00:00 Change the line-ending to CRLF on a windows-only file
3a09592b608b074810cfec1d4df538653511a416 2018-06-27 09:23:38+00:00 Remove empty codegen dir in root
a518a5e97ec05be53fa53734c3ae3807006b82fe 2018-06-05 11:38:11+00:00 Change EOL property
094f3838fe2d215d9f8a2ff15786527a51b7ae95 2017-11-02 08:02:03+00:00 Remove empty directory
ae83487a4968d47d8f951c9502f430c938a21f8b 2017-09-19 00:13:42+00:00 Set SVN to ignore pyc files
f1e3a3638c14a995ceb43a58bac068f5b5c78a97 2017-04-19 15:43:23+00:00 Remove eol style from MathExtras.h
12e38cb73b45f27d19c4dd82087f6887f328b7b6 2017-04-12 19:52:47+00:00 Remove eol style from Casting.h
df685624d01263f0a89163656d70fa58b9c73bd5 2017-04-10 20:16:54+00:00 Remove eol style from “some files”

Most of these appear to be caused by differences between git and SVN. I’m not super familiar with SVN, but I am fairly familiar with git. The three commits attributed to directory removal are clearly cases where these commits exist only because of SVN. Git doesn’t track directories, only files, so there is no way for an empty directory to exist.

Then there are 6 commits attributed to changing line endings in SVN. Looking at the first one there, is linked with revision trunk@338897, which lists a file, but also says that the contents of the file were not changed. Git tracks the contents and permissions of a file, so if those don’t change, git won’t track it. It looks like SVN allows people to set the end-of-lines that are allowed, so this may be an SVN specific file. I’m not sure, but what I do know is that Git doesn’t know or care about this change, and that phabricator says the contents haven’t changed.

The last commit simply adds pyc files to the SVN ignore file, which isn’t tracked by git.

So, yes, the 0-file commits seem to exist for the purpose of maintaining the mapping between the commits in the SVN repository and git mirror.

Okay, so now that we kind of understand why there are 0-file commits, lets quickly pop over to the commits that touch lots of files.

.load './libs/libsqlitefunctions.so'

SELECT commits.cid,
       commits.lines_added + commits.lines_removed churn,
       commits.lines_added - commits.lines_removed delta
FROM commits
ORDER BY commits.files_touched DESC
cid files_touched lines_added lines_removed churn delta
7c9c6ed761bf9d2 3931 29317 29293 58610 24
198d8baafbfdfcf 2277 41849 41819 83668 30
ca0df55065b11f2 1435 50355 50304 100659 51
b1e1e82c54c060e 1404 1514 1514 3028 0
f2f6ce65b79df6e 1273 1366 1366 2732 0
69ccadd7535a83b 1199 1682 1676 3358 6
fce288fc9134f0f 1178 1654 1654 3308 0
1076969bfeb582d 970 29359 29350 58709 9
36a0947820fd4aa 968 1281 1256 2537 25
cf0db29df20d9c6 940 1157 1157 2314 0

We have some pretty big commits, touching thousands of files. Doing manual inspection gives some insight into what is going on here.

cid Description Main Patch Changed Tests
7c9c6ed761bf9d2 Load instruction format change 2 3929
198d8baafbfdfcf GEP instruction format change 2 2277
ca0df55065b11f2 MBB format change, and change to debug formatting 80 1353
b1e1e82c54c060e Passing assembly directly to opt 0 1404
f2f6ce65b79df6e Redirect asm files into opt instead of providing fname 0 1273
69ccadd7535a83b Run test files through llvm-upgrade before piping to llvm-as 0 1199
fce288fc9134f0f Remove more llvm-as and llvm-dis 0 1178
1076969bfeb582d Move MIR register names to use ‘$’ instead of ‘%’ – There are four files under ‘unittests’ 2 964
36a0947820fd4aa Dan Gohman removing more llvm-as and llvm-dis 0 968
cf0db29df20d9c6 Use clang-tidy to fix namespace ending comment: end llvm namespace -> namespace llvm 940 0

This is actually where I got the idea to compare how much of a commit was the the main source versus test files. For the most part, the files touched come almost entirely from the test suite.

The last commit there uses clang-tidy to cleanup the namespaces. This should definitely touch quite a few files.

Now lets just focus on the big commits that are actually touching non-test files. I’m going to use this little query here. It will ignore any file with test anywhere in the file path.

.load './libs/libsqlitefunctions.so'
SELECT DISTINCT commits.cid, commits.files_touched
FROM commits
(SELECT * FROM files WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%')  A
ON commits.cid = A.cid
ORDER BY commits.files_touched DESC
cid files_touched
cf0db29df20d9c665da7e82bb261bdd7cf7f1b2b 938
cd52a7a381a73c53ec4ef517ad87f19808cb1a28 937
26b584c691811dc9c3569391bd24cdd0d2ce3c44 774
e3e43d9d574cf0a829e9a58525372ba0868a3292 714
d04a8d4b33ff316ca4cf961e06c9e312eff8e64f 590
0b8c9a80f20772c3793201ab5b251d3520b9cea3 576
d0fde30ce850b78371fd1386338350591f9ff494 555
4ee451de366474b9c228b4e5fa573795a715216d 548
0818e789cb58fbf6b5e225a3f1c722294881c445 498
00e08fcaa02286dd7da9cf9a8d158545532ab832 475

And going through each of these manually gives some insight on what is going on.

cid Notes
cf0db29df20d9c665da7e82bb261bdd7cf7f1b2b Clang tidy to fix namespace
cd52a7a381a73c53ec4ef517ad87f19808cb1a28 Reverts cf0db29df
26b584c691811dc9c3569391bd24cdd0d2ce3c44 Remove \brief from doxygen comment
e3e43d9d574cf0a829e9a58525372ba0868a3292 Sorting/Fixing includes
d04a8d4b33ff316ca4cf961e06c9e312eff8e64f Sorting/Fixing includes
0b8c9a80f20772c3793201ab5b251d3520b9cea3 Moving IR headers to include/llvm/IR
d0fde30ce850b78371fd1386338350591f9ff494 Put LLVM code into LLVM namespace
4ee451de366474b9c228b4e5fa573795a715216d Remove attribution from file header
0818e789cb58fbf6b5e225a3f1c722294881c445 Rename DEBUG macro to LLVM_DEBUG
00e08fcaa02286dd7da9cf9a8d158545532ab832 Canonicalize header guards

Most of these are appear to be non-functional changes (NFCs), changing comments, the order of the include heads, and renaming stuff in a project-wide manner. I do like that the second one is reverting the first.

commit cf0db29df20d9c665da7e82bb261bdd7cf7f1b2b
Author: Alexander Kornienko <alexfh@google.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 19 15:57:42 2015 +0000

    Fixed/added namespace ending comments using clang-tidy. NFC

    The patch is generated using this command:

    tools/clang/tools/extra/clang-tidy/tool/run-clang-tidy.py -fix \
      -checks=-*,llvm-namespace-comment -header-filter='llvm/.*|clang/.*' \

    Thanks to Eugene Kosov for the original patch!

    git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@240137 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
commit cd52a7a381a73c53ec4ef517ad87f19808cb1a28
Author: Alexander Kornienko <alexfh@google.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 09:49:53 2015 +0000

    Revert r240137 (Fixed/added namespace ending comments using clang-tidy. NFC)

    Apparently, the style needs to be agreed upon first.

    git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@240390 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8


Plots are pretty, but can be missleading. Time to pull out the stats and see if there is enough evidence to suggest that the difference in merge strategy between Linux and LLVM has an effect on the number of files touched per commit. This is one of those great situations where I actually have all of the samples from every commit, so I actually get to do population testing.

I’m going to run two tests on our data, a variant of the 2-sample t-test, and the Mann Whitney U test. I’m assuming that the samples of the two sets are independent. I’ll have to estimate the variance, but I think we have enough data to get a reasonable variance. The variances of the two populations is farily different, with a variance of 669 files in Linux, and 68 in LLVM. To account for this difference, we’ll let R use the default t-test, which is a modification known as the Welch 2-sample t-test. This variant adjust the degrees of freedom to account for the difference in variances between two populations.

  • Null Hypothesis: The true difference in means is equal to 0.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The true difference in means is not equal to 0.

I’ll also apply the Mann Whitney non-parametric test, which makes no assumptions about the distribution of the data, but gives the non-parametric equivalent of the t-test. I am aware that the populations do not form normal distributions, and while the t-test should have enough data to give us something that is reasonable, I would also like to apply a test where we aren’t knowingly breaking one of the assumptions. The main difference with the Mann Whitney test is that it works with the medians rather than the means of the populations.

  • Null Hypothesis: The probability is 50% that a randomly drawn member of the first population will exceed a member of the second population.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The two samples come from populations with the same median.

The Mann Whitney U test is also sometimes referred to as the Wilcoxon rank sum test, or even as the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test.


linux_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./linux.db')
llvm_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./llvm.db')

query <- "
SELECT cid, count(*) files_touched
FROM files
WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%'

linux_data <- dbGetQuery(linux_con, query)
llvm_data <- dbGetQuery(llvm_con, query)


t.test(linux_data$files_touched, llvm_data$files_touched)
wilcox.test(linux_data$files_touched, llvm_data$files_touched)

Welch Two Sample t-test results:

  • t: -3.1896
  • df: 748,150
  • p-value: 0.001425

Mann Whitney U test results (Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction):

  • W: 5.4x10^10
  • p-value: 0.1701

So the results of the two sample t-test suggests that we reject the Null Hypothesis, and say that the distribution of files touched per commit is different between the Linux and LLVM with p > 0.05. However, the Mann Whitney U test is technically the better test given that the data isn’t normally distributed. The Mann Whitney U test suggests that with do not reject the Null Hypothesis with a p < 0.05. This makes sense, as we saw in the figure above with the distribution of files touched after removing the test files, the two distributions appear to be the same, with the median being 1 file touched, the top of the third quartile being 2 files, and the top of the fourth quartile touching 3 files.

It looks like the difference in merge strategy between Linux and LLVM doesn’t have an impact on the number of non-test files touched per commit.

Line Churn

I’ll try to keep this section a bit shorter than the last. I’ll ignore the tests from the get-go.

.load './libs/libsqlitefunctions.so'
attach 'llvm.db' as llvm;
attach 'linux.db' as linux;

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linux_commits AS SELECT * FROM linux.files WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%';
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE llvm_commits AS SELECT * FROM llvm.files WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%';

SELECT project,
       max(churn) max,
       median(churn) median,
       round(avg(churn), 3) avg,
       min(churn) min
(SELECT 'Linux' project,
        sum(added) + sum(removed) churn
 FROM linux_commits GROUP BY cid
 SELECT 'LLVM' project,
        sum(added) + sum(removed) churn
 FROM llvm_commits GROUP BY cid) A
GROUP BY project;
Project Commits max median avg min
LLVM 150477 64919 17 96.572 0
Linux 720383 6706071 14 102.089 0

Alright, so from an initial view, LLVM has a higher median line churn per commit, Linux has a higher mean. Both have a minimum of 0 lines churned, and Linux has a much larger maximum line churn.

Essentially what this tells me is that Linux has some really big outliers, but probably has an overall churn that is lower than the churn in LLVM.

Lets just take a quick look at the breakdown of how many commits are creating varying levels of churn.

attach './linux.db' as linux;
attach './llvm.db' as llvm;

SELECT  linux_churn.churn Churn,
        linux_churn.commits 'Linux Commits',
        llvm_churn.commits 'LLVM Commits'
( SELECT churn,
         count(*) commits
    ( SELECT cid,
             sum(added) + sum(removed) churn
        FROM (SELECT * FROM linux.files WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%')
      GROUP BY cid)
    GROUP BY churn) linux_churn
( SELECT churn,
                 count(*) commits
    ( SELECT cid,
             sum(added) + sum(removed) churn
        FROM (SELECT * FROM llvm.files WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%')
      GROUP BY cid)
  GROUP BY churn) llvm_churn
ON linux_churn.churn = llvm_churn.churn
Churn Linux Commits LLVM Commits
0 307 67
1 30300 4374
2 82886 15014
3 29503 5708
4 46146 9226
5 21219 4518
6 30171 6127
7 17750 3403
8 23801 4781
9 15185 3055

Churn Behaviour

Like with the number of files touched, the two distributions are again, very similar, though there seems to be a much wider spread. The mode is 2 lines churned per commit. From manual inspection in some of my previous works, is usually related to bug fixes caused by a single erroneous line. The two lines of churn account for the removal of the original and the insertion of the fix. There is an interesting stair step, where there is a higher probability of an even number of lines churned per commit than an odd number. Linux has a little more skew toward the lower number of lines churned, but not by very much, and I certainly don’t expect it to influence the results of the statistical tests. It will be accounted for, but I believe that given this plot, they will be recognized as coming from the same distributions.

If a factor were to have an influence, I would anticipate any differences in the tail on the high end to be recognized as difference. If we simply restrain ourself to the t-test, which compares the mean of the two distributions and thus is sensitive to outliers, I would imagine the tails to play a rather important role in determining the outcome. However, given that this distribution is certainly not normal, we should trust the non-parametric tests a bit more.

Manually investigating some of the 0-churn changes, I found that they are caused when a file gets renamed or when permissions are changed. I believe they also happen when a binary file is added, removed, or replaced since git can’t count lines on them.


It looks like we have slightly conflicting pictures coming from the means and medians versus the picture shown in the plot. The raw median is higher with LLVM than with Linux, but the mean is higher with Linux than LLVM. In both cases, the mean is considerably higher than the median, suggesting that there are some fairly large outliers on the upper end.

It seems pretty clear that this data does not fall on a normal distribution, but lets stay consistent and run both. The variances between the two populations is quite different and the samples are independent. Given that the premises are the same, we’ll use the same variant of the t-test as we used in the analysis of the number of files touched per commit.

  • Null Hypothesis: The true difference in the mean number of lines churned per commit is equal to 0.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The true difference in the mean number of lines churned per commit is not equal to 0.

I’ll also apply the Mann Whitney test, which is honestly probably the better test to use given that the distributions are not normal. Given that we’ve already looked at the distribution, the medians, and the means, we already know that the median line churn per commit in LLVM is greater than Linux, but the mean Linux churn per commit is less in LLVM than in Linux. If both tests suggest that we reject the null, I would be interested to see if they reject in the same direction. I’ll still start out with double-sided tests to start though. The hypotheses for the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test are as follows:

  • Null Hypothesis: The probability is 50% that a randomly drawn member of the first population will exceed a member of the second population.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The two samples come from populations with the same median.

linux_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./linux.db')
llvm_con <- dbConnect(drv=dbDriver('SQLite'), dbname='./llvm.db')

query <- "

SELECT cid, sum(added) + sum(removed) churn
FROM files
WHERE filename NOT LIKE '%test%'

linux_data <- dbGetQuery(linux_con, query)
llvm_data <- dbGetQuery(llvm_con, query)


t.test(linux_data$churn, llvm_data$churn)
wilcox.test(linux_data$churn, llvm_data$churn)

Welch Two Sample t-test results:

  • t: 0.57549
  • df: 772,010
  • p-value: 0.565

Mann Whitney U test results:

  • W: 5.1x10^10
  • p-value: 2.2x10^-16

So the two sample independent t-test says that we do not reject the Null Hypothesis given the current evidence, with p > 0.05. Meanwhile, the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test suggests that we reject the null hypothesis, that there is a difference between the number of lines churned per commit between the Linux and LLVM repositories. The numbers coming from the Mann Whitney test look a little extreme though, especially given that the distributions appear to be so similar. I did notice that Linux has a higher percentage of the commits churning 1 or 2 lines than LLVM, and LLVM doesn’t appear to make up the percentage anywhere in the view of the plot. This means that it will have a longer tail, bringing up the median and mean, but I’m a little skeptical of this difference being that polarizing.

I kind of wish that the distributions were normal, or at least closer, so that we could do some further investigation here. I find it pretty fascinating how one could draw two totally different conclusions about the data using one or the other. One might argue that neither metric is technically more correct than the other, but the mean is usually misleading when the distributions are not normal. At least in my experience.


Alright, this has been a rather long walk through the corn field. There wasn’t a significant difference in the number of non-test files touched per commit in the two projects. Most of the commits only touch a single source file per commit, with the third quartile including up to 2 files, and the fourth quartile extending up to 3 files.

There was a statistically significant difference in the number of non-test lines churned per commit. I’m a little skeptical of the p-value that was produced, but the other metrics appear to be in support of this. The median number of non-test lines churned per commit in Linux is 14, while the median non-test lines churned per commit in LLVM is 17.

The difference in the merge strategy did not have an effect on the number of files touched per commit, but does have an effect on the number of lines churned per commit.

On a side-quest in the background section, I learned a bit more about how much the two projects test. LLVM seems to test a lot, with roughly half of all of the files touched per commit contributing to the test suite, and nearly 60% of the lines changed per commit being changes to the test suite.

I wasn’t able to upload the databases to GitHub as they are too large, but the scripts I used to generate them, and the scripts for generating the plots are available.